Since it's Friday I've decided to do a fun post (I think it's fun anyway haha) that'll help you get to know me. Today I'll be discussing three artists/ musical groups that I've been listening to on a daily basis. Let's get started!
Arctic Monkeys:
1. Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High
2. Do I Wanna Know?
3. R U Mine?
4. Arabella
I'll start right off by saying I don't exactly consider myself a fan of the Arctic Monkeys. They sound great and the songs I listed above have been played non stop for the past few weeks, but I have yet to delve deeply into them. Are you a fan of the Arctic Monkeys? Tell me your favorite songs in the comments
1. Super Rich Kids
2. Pink Matter
3. Bad Religion
4. Forrest Gump
5. Novacane (not on Channel Orange)
6.Swim Good (not on Channel Orange)
I enjoy Frank Ocean so much! I'm really late on the bandwagon I know, but all that matters is that I gave him a chance (thanks to a very good friend of mine I should add). I love his love and especially his lyrics. If you haven't heard anything by him I recommend starting with the songs I listed above.
1. Guernica
2. The Quiet Things No One Ever Knows
3. Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Won't
4. The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot
5. Jesus Christ (not on Deja Entendu)
6. Mix Tape (not on Deja Entendu)
I can honestly say that I am a HUGE fan of Brand New. Although their sound is not for everyone they're exactly up my alley. If you are lyrically driven like I am and are into rock music (they also infuse post hardcore, pop punk, and alternative rock into their sound) Brand New is for you! Some of the best lines I have every heard in music come from Brand New ("Do I divide and fall apart?
'cause my bright is too slight to hold back all my dark"). Hands down one of my favorite bands!
And that's it for this What I've Been Listening To! I'm thinking of making this a weekly thing, but I also might change it up. We'll have to wait and see! Have any music recommendations? Leave them in the comments section below!!!
-xoxo Wanda
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